ANNOUNCEMENT - system maintenance is scheduled for Wednesday 19 May 2021 between 08:00 and 16:00 (UK time) and on Wednesday 02 June between 08:00 and 12:00 (UK time) please click here for further details.


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Linguaskill Update - June 2020

We have made some changes so that you will now only see Linguaskill tokens and bundles which you are eligible to purchase, if you believe that you are not seeing the correct bundles or tokens please email

Maintenance Notice

Due to mandatory maintenance, users of the Metrica platform may experience disruption.

Question: When might they expect disruption?
Answer: Wednesday 19 May 2021 between 08:00 and 16:00 (UK time)

Question: Is this a downtime?
Answer: There will be downtime between 08:00 and 10:00, after this users may experience minor disruption when using the platform until 16:00.

Question: What do you mean by “disruption” and what do users need to do?
Answer: After the downtime period the the system will be available but users may see some errors. The only action that will be needed for any user facing disruption in that time period is to simply refresh their screen and that should resolve any issues.

Question: When might they expect disruption?
Answer: Wednesday 02 June between 08:00 and 12:00 (UK time)

Question: Is this a downtime?
Answer: No, there is no downtime, however users may experience some disruption

Question: What do you mean by “disruption” and what do users need to do?
Answer: The the system will be available but users may see some errors. The only action that will be needed for any user facing disruption in that time period is to simply refresh their screen and that should resolve any issues.

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